House Full Of Garbage

Noel Szpak
Jan 10, 2021


I have 2 dresser drawers full of t shirts. I wear the same 8 or 10 in a given week.

Some of the books on my shelves held together by rubber bands, the binding dissolved from being turned.

Shoe boxes under the bed, full of photos and scraps of paper. Some are “marked” with faded sharpie.
Folded index cards with “reminders”, zoom meeting codes, and recipes hang on my fridge, hold places in books, or sit in pseudo stacks.

I like to tell myself I’m not a hoarder, and, to my credit, I do the occasional purge. But, I still can’t remember my social security number with any regularity. I’ve moved these books from apartment to apartment house to garage, and 2/3 of the way across a continent. Rubber bands and all.

